Trauma Therapy

Do you experience reactions associated with a past stressful event? This can look like having nightmares, flashbacks, or feelings as if you were experiencing the stressful event all over again. Maybe you feel guilt surrounding the stressful event, or perhaps you feel depressed, angry, or hopeless. You may experience a sense of disconnection from people and the world around you, or simply feel on-edge. Perhaps you’re fearful of things that remind you of a past stressful event and actively avoid them.

Whatever it is that you’re experiencing, you’re beginning to notice the impact of this in many facets of your life:

  • Difficulty falling asleep due to nightmares or feelings of being on-edge.
  • Struggling to stay focused at work due to procrastination.
  • Isolation from friends and family due to feelings of irritability or disconnection.
  • Disinterest in previously enjoyed activities and overall low mood.
  • Negative feelings about yourself and your self-worth.

Counseling (also referred to as therapy or psychotherapy) can help. It may feel impossible now, but you can regain balance in your life. You can experience peace of mind and reduced fear about uncertain situations that remind you of past stressful events. You can improve your sleep, mood, sense of safety in life, relationships with loved ones, and general sense of worth. I can help you get there.

While there is no guarantee of counseling outcomes, counseling may help you do the following:

  • Identify the stressful events (currently or from the past) in your life that are causing stress.
  • Gain understanding and awareness of how stress and trauma impacts your body and how it can have lasting emotional and physical impacts.
  • Learn skills to help manage and resolve the impact of trauma such as fear, depressed mood, procrastination, and physical distress (i.e. flashbacks/nightmares), so you can regain a sense of peace in your life.

I’ll help you through this process, tailoring each step to your unique needs and circumstances. My approach to counseling comes from a place of empowerment allowing you the support to gain self-awareness and create changes that will guide you toward balance. You don’t have to live life feeling fearful and disconnected. I can help you find balance, confidence, peace, and joy.

Schedule a free 15 minute consultation